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Writer: Kadeen DobbsKadeen Dobbs

"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffer harm"

Proverbs 13:20.

There are times in my life when I have met people who seemingly at first, appeared to have my best interest at heart. They were helpful, thoughtful, kind, interested and invested in my growth and I could more than just tolerate their company.

As I have grown spiritually, I have become even more selective of who I interact with. My "circle" of friends has always been so tiny; I have never really been able to make a big, beautiful, round cirlce. It has always been more of a minute oval half a thing that couldn't quite close.

I enjoy my own company and now that I am even more aware that we live in a spiritual world, I understand the necessity of not having just anyone be a part of my atmosphere, for some people no matter how sweet they seem, were not sent by God. Some people were sent by The Devil to sabotage and hinder your progress, your growth and your breakthrough.

As I age literally and spiritually, I have no tolerance for foolishness. I am not getting any younger. I have no time to waste on nonsensical, irrelevant nonsense. I have no time to waste. Period. I forgive, but The Lord said forgive, he never said be foolish. If anyone acts questionably, I distance myself and I am unapologetic for protecting my spiritual walk with Christ, my peace and my sanity.

Time is of the utmost essence. There is an urgency to make an impact for The Kingdom of Christ Jesus.

We are living now, more than ever, in the days of demonically possessed people who are walking around with an enormous smile and appear to want to jive but turn your back! I dare ya. They"ll drive a knife in your neck.

No matter how "close" I am to someone, if they act contrary to how a "friend" should behave, I don't question it. God showed me that "behaviour" for a reason and I will jump ship. Sometimes I jump so far, that I block numbers. I don't answer calls. I don't respond to texts and if I do, you get the message that I don't wish to speak too much.

Why do I say all of this? Do not be hesitant or afraid to burn bridges if it becomes more of a liability than an asset. Do you recall the story of Lot and Abram in the book of Genesis 13?

I will give a synopsis.

Abram and Lot (his nephew) were both rich in livestock, silver and gold. They resided on the same property together but as their flock, herds and tents grew, the space became inadequate and their water and grazing needs could not be sustained simultaneously. Tension thus grew between Abram's herdsmen and Lot's and thus arguing ensued. Abram thus suggested that they should separate. Abram was so generous and selfless that he allowed Lot to choose first and graciously offerred to go in the opposite direction of wherever Lot chose to go.

Now, the irony of the story was that Lot prospered because Abram (Abraham) was with him.

Sometimes your "friends" prosper from your presence more than you benefit from theirs.

When Lot was given the choice to choose, he chose to go in the direction that appeared more fertile and bountiful.

A friend who is comfortable in choosing the best for himself and offerring the worst to you is not one who will stick closer than a brother. He will stick with you until it no longer benefits him.

Lot chose to follow a direction that looked the "best" but he chose Sodom, a city that was extremely wicked and was later destroyed by God and who petitioned on behalf of Lot, resulting in his life and his two daughters being spared? Abram, of course!

Abram and Lot separated because their season had come for their journey to go in opposite directions. Some leg of our journeys, must be travelled solo. It is crucial for our destinys to "let go" and "let" some people "go".

If Abram had followed Lot, he may not have been " the father of all nations". From Abram to Abraham. His name change was symbolic of his new status, relationship and friendship with The God of Israel. From his lineage, came the twelve tribes of Israel, and The Messiah, King Jesus who is The Saviour of mankind.

If Abraham had not burnt the bridge, between himself and Lot, he may have been burning literally in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.

This is why I don't hesitate to burn bridges. Fire is purifying.

Letting someone go and not looking back may be just what your soul needs because their presence may be what is sabotaging and blocking your God ordained blessings.


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