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Idolatry of Self

Writer: Kadeen DobbsKadeen Dobbs

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

The opinion and perception of self have heightened to an incredibly annoying rate.

People as The Holy Bible had predicted have become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, evil-speakers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, irreligious and unkind (2Timothy 3:2). This accumulates to Self-love in a manner that is unholy and glorifies the ego, the superfluous, superficial exterior that will rot and maggots will consume.

In Exodus 20, we meet upon the first commandment which still has relevance in the 21st century despite all the proclivities towards immoral deeds and actions. The first commandment states:

" I am The Lord your God. You shall have no other Gods before me".

This commandment is not an implication, but rather a stipulation that must be adhered to. This mandatory command was given by God, himself, through his prophet, Moses as to how we should as HIS creation perceive EVERYTHING and EVERYONE on HIS Planet.

Individuals are presently so caught up in frivolous, materialistic novelties that they place irrelevant emphasis on building, gaining and acquiring assets in this realm, so much so that they become spiritually blind. There is an absence of focus on the life after death which will be much longer than the number of years we spend here hustling, hating, backstabbing, slaving away to own, control, outdo others, manipulate, coerce, drag down, step on, step over and shove out of the way to get to the top. For what, to be seen? To be considered, successful? Success without God, is like alcohol on an empty stomach, feels good at first, then you get dizzy, maybe even feel like throwing up, then guess what? You may actually puke. Essentially, success without God is vomit. It will wreak!

Ambition, is an excellent quality, but when it supersedes morals and God, it is no longer Ambition, it is Greed which has become Idolatry of Self.

Idolatry of self which is extreme admiration, love, or reverence,( which should be reserved for THE GODHEAD) is what I see evident in society today. Self-glorification has become quite acceptable. There is an incessant desire to be seen at all times. There is nothing too personal anymore for the world not to see. Pornography, "leaked" sex tapes, make-out sessions, recording yourself as you eat, laugh, apply lipstick, it all screams, "see me!"

People in society admire themselves so much that when they actually attend a function they cannot even enjoy it. They are so intent on showing the world their backdrop, their outfit, their Louis Vuitton, their entire ensemble, that they miss out on living in the moment and experiencing the joy of where they are at. I love to take pictures, but will I be doing a selfie every 5 seconds and recording my every move? Absolutely not!

No one has realized that individuals have begun to worship themselves to the point that they feel like Gods and think they are Gods.

The Columbine shooters played God when they murdered 12 students and one teacher.

This may sound a bit extreme, but when people begin to idolize themselves, they feel entitled. They ascribe superiority to self. They become arrogant and pompous. They demand attention. They objectify and quantify.

Idolatry of self has left little to no room for worshipping God.

When was the last time you decided to focus the lens of your camera upward to The Creator and away from self?

When was the last time you decided to post or record something that glorified your God, his son,Jesus who died for our sins?

When was the last time you put down the phone and picked up The Bible and simply read The Word of God, and idolized The King of Kings?

When was the last time you redirected self-love to God-love and step off the throne and give The Lord his rightful place?

Idolizing of self in the 21st century has become a barrier through which God has no access into in our daily thoughts.

Idolatry of self has made people not think about their souls, death, eternal life, the things that really matter.

Idolatry of self leads to selfishness, impatience, inability to reason, the absence of morals, the acceptance of worshipping false gods, apathy for Jesus, praying, worshipping God, reading content that will uplift spiritually.

Must we love ourselves so much and love Jesus so little, if any at all?

We all have sinned and fallen short of The Glory of God, but let you and I make a solemn vow right now; let us declare together,



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